Mission & History


灵感来自慈善的女儿和德拉萨基督教兄弟, in partnership with families, 皇冠体育投注的使命是在信仰的包容性天主教社区提供最好的教育. 我们准备我们的学生成为以服务为导向的领导者与生活福音的承诺.


Founders Color

In the spirit and vision of St. John Baptist de La Salle and St. Vincent de Paul, SHC旨在以福音的教义教育学生,建立一个以信仰为基础的社区 serve others with compassion. This core Catholic understanding helps to ground, 指导和约束我们的社区,并作为学术探索的培育背景. At SHC, 我们努力追求智力和学术卓越,同时保持每个学生的独特兴趣和激情. 在我们创新的天主教高中,每个学生都有丰富的才能带给社区,我们的目标是培养和指导这些人才走向成功和富有成效的生活. SHC’s commitment to rigorous academics 社会公正有助于将学生塑造成勤奋、有思想、无私的成年人.

Daughters of Charity

慈善女儿会于1633年在巴黎由圣. Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise De Marillac. 该共同体是为了服务穷人中的穷人而建立的, and for this reason the Daughters vow not only poverty, chastity and obedience, but also service to the poor. 这些誓言每年在报喜节期间更新. In 1850 an American Community, affiliated with the Paris community, was founded by Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton; thus, the American Daughters were born. Throughout the world there are 27,000 Sisters in 93 provinces, with approximately 2,000 Sisters located in the United States. Daughters of Charity Province of the West.

De La Salle Christian Brothers

1680年由圣约翰·德·拉萨在法国创立, 这所兄弟的宗教学院(正式名称为“基督教学校的兄弟”)创造了300年的卓越教育传统. Known as an extraordinary man of faith, 德拉萨创立了一个真正创新的宗教秩序,专门致力于青年的基督教教育. 他的精神和远见发起了一项教育努力,今天有超过5个,000 brothers and some 77,000 lay partners serving the educational needs of 900,000 students in more than 80 countries. 天主教会特别承认喇沙修士教育使命在1950年,当它命名圣约翰施洗德喇沙为教师的守护神. 旧金山新奥尔良德拉萨区(SFNO), 西部的德拉萨基督教兄弟会省.


SHC’s story is one of determination, 韧性和继续为旧金山青年服务的承诺. 学校的历史与旧金山市的建立有着千丝万缕的联系, and thus, 我们在旧金山市中心的地理位置也具有理论意义. 我们在旧金山的历史上发挥了作用,正如它在我们的历史上发挥了作用一样.

St. Vincent’s High School Assembly, 1950s

故事开始于19世纪中后期,当时旧金山正经历着巨大的变化. Between 1844 and 1850, 这个新生的城市经历了前所未有的人口增长——从50人增长到25人,000—amid the frenzy of the San Francisco Gold Rush. Overwhelmed and concerned with the swelling population, 主教约瑟夫·阿勒曼尼要求从埃米茨堡派遣仁爱之女, Maryland to serve San Francisco’s youth. In 1852, 慈善女儿的七个姐妹踏上了他们的西海岸危险的旅程. Sadly, two of the sisters die from cholera in transit. 当剩下的五姐妹到达旧金山, they establish an orphanage and girls’ day school, later known as St. 文森特的,为不断增长的贫困青年服务.

Sacred Heart High School students, 1912

旧金山的人口每年都在稳步增长, 对青少年服务和教育渠道的需求也在上升. In 1868, with the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, San Francisco is the 10th largest city in the country. That same year, the Christian Brothers open St. 彼得教区学校——后来的圣心高中——努力为不断增长的小学人口提供服务. 1906年,智力、学术和社会进步停滞不前.25级地震震动了整个城市,引发了大火. Three thousand lives are lost; 225,000 men, women and children are left homeless; and 28,000 buildings are destroyed, including Sacred Heart High School and St. Vincent’s school for girls. St. 文森特的学校经过重建,又搬迁了三次,直到1938年在高夫和吉尔里的拐角处着陆. 这是圣心大教堂重建和建筑成就的时期. Vincent’s and for the city of San Francisco. Only a year earlier, 当金门大桥工程完工,汽车第一次进出马林时,历史就创造了. In 1966, the St. 文森特在高夫街的工厂被夷为平地. Mary’s Cathedral. St. Vincent’s school is rebuilt adjacent to St. Mary’s Cathedral and renamed Cathedral High School.

The very next year, in 1967, 大教堂高中和圣心高中开始与他们的使命的相似性和他们的共同愿景的理解一起工作,以更好地服务于他们的青年. By 1987, 学校正式合并完成,合并后的学校更名为皇冠体育投注学校. 今天,上海商厦继续着与时代和城市一起成长的传统. 旧金山以处于科技进步的前沿而闻名全球. SHC通过对课堂技术的承诺反映了这种能量, cutting-edge curriculum and enthusiastic, innovative teachers developing the leaders of tomorrow. 

要了解更多皇冠体育投注天主教预备高中的信息,我们鼓励你 get in touch with us for more information or come see what sets SHC apart. We are proud to serve students all over the Bay Area, including Alameda County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Marin County, and the nearby areas. 


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